Fixing Ourselves

It is  said that broken hearts write the darkest thoughts

broken-heart edited

Maybe because the heart that is supposed to shine

Needs some time

To light up again

So in the dark we stay

Driven by pain

Guided by art

But the hour wont last long

Just long enough for us to learn

How to fix ourselves again.

Photo credits 

11 thoughts on “Fixing Ourselves

  1. It is said that broken hearts write the darkest thoughts

    Some what true and somewhat not.You don’t have to feel everything to write it,you don’t have to write everything to feel it.Observation and the way your thoughts rush in also counts also the state in which you are.

    Maybe because the heart that is supposed to shine
    Needs some time to light up again

    I wish it were that easy.Perhaps its not? Its not only the shine the heart needs,but also the desire to shine and to portray a more independent self.

    So in dark we stay
    With words as our guides

    The world light the dark,for our miseries they are that spark!

    And pain as our drive

    The only thing which we survive

    But not for long

    At times

    Just till we’ll fix ourselves again.

    To pull on to hope and think more human

    NOTE: These are all my opinions and thought which are not necessarily correct or should be given alot of attention. 😛
    Just felt I wanted to comment. XD
    Nice poem.It is simple but powerful!
    You can delete this comment if you think it is TOO weird. 😀

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    1. Indeed sometimes it’s just imagination. But even to emphasis you need to feel the pain. And the rawness of it all is when you cannot take it anymore. You know when a writer uses writing to help themselves up? Here light and shine means happiness and the kinda brightness of youth and joy and everything nice. “The world light the dark” I don’t think so. The world avoides the dark. To think more human…I like that

      Haha its okay I get it. I ve done this too! But thank you so much for it! And nah its just being insane xD

      Liked by 1 person

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