The Awards I receive sigh xD


Hola! So i realized I had a bunch of awards left in my draft.  That I needed to answer. Or well at least claim? Greedy kid here! Hey ! I got them awards fair and share!

So here goes my latest shiny award by Pal. He is an amazing and one of the most supportive blogger i have met out here.He reblogs alot of new blogger’s posts and encourages them so much!  Go Pal! He is just awesome.

Alright here it goes –

Ok, My epically Awesome award! 

 1. I know you are Awesome, tell us why.

Bacause I dont even need to give a reason to be awesome. 😉

2. You are my friends and tell us about others.

Yes I am.

3. Ok I am going to let loose the maniacs in the asylum and that is true, cared a lot for, loved, cared for, understand you, are your ears to turn to and voices when necessary and so much more. I want all of those I nominate to be creative and I will not feel slighted if you can’t, are afraid or can’t. It is OK. I say this as I will nominate, rather give this awesome award.

Not sure creative about what but the maniacs are already out, how do you think I am still free? xD

4. I give no questions to be fully answered but let yourself go here. Thank you.

Thanks pal! Lots of love! Keep up the good work 😉


2 Blogger Recognition Award

Spicylife19  and Accidentelly ink  nominated me for Bloggers recognition award. Separately of course xD Thank you so much you two!! I know I am late for the party…like really late..but hey I am here xD Sorry for putting up with so much delay with the awards.

Here it goes!

Rule number one- thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog–  Done!

Now, the second rule –
Provide a link to the award creator.
No idea who that is, I tried searching. Sorry!

Third rule- attach the award to your post.

You’re welcome 😉

The fourth rule!
Nominate fifteen other bloggers, excluding yourself and the person who nominated you.

Okay, let’s see. I nominate the following bloggers, in no particular order.
1) wwwpalfitness

2)Mental breakdown

3) My not so everyday thoughts

4) aaliyahzahra

5) Charly from  CRAZY LIFE

6) sulphurman


8) The lonely author


Write a post to show off your award. 😀 done!

Fifth rule.
Write a brief story of how you started your blog.

I always loved writing and well had a lot of poems and short stories writen. I used to be obssesed with the idea of blogs so I had tried it before but they were not about my writing like this one. They were about the randomest things. I just wasnt mature enough I guess. Anyways this time I started because I was finally ready to show the world my writings. So I did without telling my friends and family about it because I dint want it to just be another fail. I told them after I got like 100 followers xD Sorry! But I needed to prove it to myself that I could do it. So I started it after reading around alot xD

Sixth rule. A piece or two of advice to new bloggers.

Okay guys, Have a plan, dont just keep going fast with no aim, you will just burn out and get bored.

Also do not compare yourself to other bloggers, it will result in disaster.

OH! And dont keep reading all those blogging tips for a long time, too much of it has a bad effect xD

And just be yourself!

And enjoy 😉 Duh! haha

Seventh rule. Comment on the blogs you have named here to let them you have nominated them.

AY AY Captain!



And this last one by Pal again! Thank You so much dude!


Clarion Alley 2012

The “Respect” Award is his personal award for fellow bloggers who consistently reach out to other bloggers, offer support, are kind, struggle to understand differences in people, and who treat themselves and other people with kindness and respect.

You don’t have to do anything for this award.

You can choose to copy the Award Picture and give the award to the people who have earned your respect or you can do nothing.

This is his way of saying thank you. You have earned my respect.


This is a different kind of award. Most bloggers here know whom Mr. Goldstein is and to have earned his respect is a great and wonderful thing. As his rules state I do not have to do anything in accepting this award.  So Thank you so much! 🙂



Also guys I joined in Bloglovin- Some help will be really appreciated

<a href=””>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


See ya’ll on Friday!

Ta ta!

28 thoughts on “The Awards I receive sigh xD

  1. Hi,
    I know Conrad and Teacup Talk. Congratulations on being nominated for the awards. It doesn’t matter that they nominated you separately. Accident or coincidence or not, you deserve it.
    I also know Danny Ray. I found you on his site. Congratulations on being his featured blogger. I was his featured blogger too. Maybe you can check out my site if you need a blogging tip or two. That’s what I write about.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey! Thank you so much. And yes I found you when you were featured at Danny Rays site and have been following you since then. I love receiving the notice about your post on my email too. It’s an honour to have you here. Thank you!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Jade, I am sorry. Of course I remember you. I find your avatar especially memorable since it’s different. Sometimes it’s hard to see on my phone. One day I will get an Iphone 6 which has a bigger screen.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Its alright no worries! I hope you get an iPhone soon! I bet you’ll get enough through the amazing blog you have! If you don’t mind can I ask you a question?

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Hi Jade,
        1. Thank you for saying I have “amazing results”. I am flattered.
        2. I brought you an article. The answer is n here:
        I network as often as I can. I try to network routinly after 3:00 when school is over. If I see I even lose one follower, I network even more. The number in my sidebar drives me. There are many examples in the article of where I network. I not only went to your party, but I will go to the blogs of the guests at the party if I don’t know them already. The article will give many more examples. I hope that answers your question. Thanks again for the flattering remarks and the chance to share my blog with your readers today. Take care. You and I go way back.

        Liked by 1 person

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