The Topic Thingie


Don’t you know what The Topic Thingie? Well, duh isn’t that why you are here. Don’t ya worry you are in good hands!

Let me tell you a little about this blog, I am a sensitive person and I take pride in accepting that. I feel emotions a little more intensely than most people out there. I sometimes get too overwhelmed with what I feel. At times like those, I love knowing someone out there feels the same complicated, extreme emotions as me. I am sure MANY do.

And then there are days when I just wonder what someone else might feel like? Sometimes I crave to feel something. 

Therefore, TA DA I made this blog. I want it to be a corner full of wholesome stories, poems, and articles. Things that make you feel and stop you in track.

But I cannot do that on my own.

So, I decided to hold a little healthy competition

Every month I will announce a topic. A topic everyone and anyone can send in a short story (less than 500 words) , poem or an article on. 

I also do this because when I was first starting out I did not get any help from all the big “unreachable” bloggers. And I believe if your work is good people should be able to see it.

Apart from the Topic you must remember the submission should be on at least one of these  –

1) Describing emotions in honest hard words, felt cause of any situation real or false. The emotion should feel legit. (Can be through a story also)

2) We feel that emotion because of your words. 

3) What you did do about that emotion, did you come out better? What did you learn? What would you advice the people going through it? 

Let’s get you up to date with what it is! Read this carefully, in case of any confusion contact me.

1) So every month I will have a topic announced, right here on this blog.

2) The topics may be a situation, a prompt, an emotion or even a TV series! Basically, anything that needs us writer’s attention xD.

3)  The topic every month is a challenge to all the writers out there if they can write about the topic of the month. Just check out how to participate down below!

4) I will join in and write four posts on it too. Add on to the circle!

5) You need to put up the link to your blog post, (with the TTT logo) in my comments section of the post that announced the topic. (It’ll be there in the menu on the top)

6) From all the posts I will choose top three of them and will add them to the list of amazing reads. This way we all can weave in the threads to make this blog the proper net for emotional reads.

If you don’t make the cut this time there is always the next month. Don’t be disappointed even J.K Rowling got rejected ___ many times. Just try again next month maybe you will make the cut 😉 For now, why don’t you check out the winners and talk to some of the bloggers here. Every advice can push you ahead!

If you got in here, Congratulations! Wow along with so many other big bloggers? That is awesome! Gimme a high five! You go ! Why don’t you go ahead and try submitting to magazines and publishers? Maybe you can hit big there too 😉

And yes, I am naming it The Topic Thingie! *cheers*

Why? Mainly because well…It’s easy to remember and it explains what it is on its own! Other than that TTT looks like a cool symbol! Right? Right?? Right!
And well…three are good enough reasons for the name xD

Copy this to your blog post and link it here.

What you gotta do to participate in The Topic Thingie?

  1. Check the topic for the month out. It’ll be there in the menu. ( Don’t want you to get lost now do we?)
  2. Prepare your piece for it.
  3. Add in The Month’s Topic Thingie logo and the link to my post. (It will help me, it will help you and it will help the community! So why not?)
  4. Now just post it on your blog! And give me the link to your post in the comments of any of my this posts on the topic.
  5. Simple right? I’ll post the links (Yes the link to your blog, so you get the traffic, not me) of the three best in a single post with the ” all time best posts” post. That is some honour too, to be honest.

Kindaa like an award right? Pretty easy! And it will help you find so many bloggers out. It will knit us all up.  See! Its a happy blogging place xD

It will help both of us! So shoo bloggers go and start writing a Post on the topic of the month!

Goodluck 😉





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