Actually, I allowed you to hurt me- A hard hitting poem

We allow people to hurt us. We have a choice to stop it but for whatever shitty reason we don’t stop it.
We have the power, option or choice to fight back, to stop it yet sometimes we just allow it to happen.
And this poem is dedicated to each and every person that, like me, allows people to hurt them. And I am here, to tell you to recognise your power and stop it.
You deserve better.
Hope you like this poem! Comment below what you think of it! 😉

The truth is I allowed you to hurt me
Not just you
I allowed everyone to put me down
I allowed people to control me
In the name of love
I allowed people to make me cry tears
behind closed door
You know,
so that they don’t feel bad for harming me
I allowed this
Because somewhere down below
Under the sheet of bravery and strength
I thought I deserved it
I believed I deserved to be in pain
I thought I deserved to cry 
But I didn’t.

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